When discussing potential domain names with a classmate we weren’t sure where to go aside from the typical .com. Upon research on both of our parts we found suitable ideas that sounded well with our website's title. Personally, my top three domain names I was considering for my final project webpage CollegeShare is; .co, .site, and .online. Upon discussing with a classmate these domains were agreed to be appropriate, easy to remember and not too elaborate or off topic when put together with the site title.
Out of the three domain names, .site was my favorite. I found the name CollegeShare.site to be a good fit as it is simple and to the point. College share is a website so .site as a domain makes sense. When looking up domains this .site domain was also one of the most affordable for my intended use and while .com seems like the obvious choice, .site offers something more unique to play off of.