6 Thinking Hats
When discussing the 6 thinking hats in class I discovered many perspectives regarding my project. Below I have listed the discoveries founded in each respective hat.
White hat:
The amount of students who are low income will have to be known. The amount of students who will use this webpage should be calculated.
Red hat:
Aiding low income students is helpful especially for exchange students or those who live far from home.
Black hat:
Implecations of a report system needs to be set in place to ensure saftey. Verification process is neccessary to ensure only current students are within the website.
Yellow hat:
It offers benefits as students spend more than enough money on school while still having needs that cost money. Being able to save money is beneficial.
Green hat:
Point system could allow more attraction and more users parting with items for others to gain for free.
Blue hat:
Workshopping appearances is important. Rules and guidelines should be signed by users as this calls for in person trade offs.
Further 6 Thinking Hats Exploration
White hat:
When discussing the white hat my peers were concerned with saftey regulations. They mentioned that user information requirements needed to be apparent and that there would need to be a reporting system for saftey measures. Aside from user information no other facts or information needs were worth mentioning.
Red hat:
The feeling of the project was a positive one. My peers felt it was a good idea since there's not a lot of local places or app that provide this type of service. Since the competition is small my peers had a feeling this website would be a big hit especially since its made only for students and only allows free items or equal trades for items.
Black hat:
Something that was brought up as a downside was scaming or abuse of the system. This potention problem could result in a person claiming an abundance of free items without truly needing the item. It was also a concern that people wouldn't have any free items to contribute.
Yellow hat:
The overall idea will help students to help eachother. This has value as it would strengthen the campus community. This would also be a benef it for students who want to engage in textbook trades. More attraction to the coupon and resources tab would help users get a better feel for the webpage.
Green hat:
Other ways to observe would be to look at similar application and webpages and view what makes them work or not work. A way to update the idea some would be to have a message board where students can put ads for on campus events that will have free food or items as a form of advertisment. Also having a page for clubs to advertise would also be attractive for students.
Blue hat:
The subject is students especially those who are low income or away from family. My peers have given positive feedback on the idea and would want to be a part of the webpage if it was publicized. The goal is to take the ease of financial problems off of students and provide a alternative. To keep everything on track there should be a survey system after every transaction and update according to feedback.
Thoughts on Project
I feel my thoughts haven't changed much from my original planning. Exploring the 6 hats has provided some factors that I hadn't previously considered but it seems that most of my planning and thoughts are organized well and don't require any major altercations. The biggest change in my project is the need of more saftey and strong signup requirements.